(2012-08-22 9:04 AM)
Good morning to all, to coemnmt on what is natural I do agree with Anu coemnmt when one is in acceptance of self, hopefully they will be able to accept others at whatever stage of life's journey they mignt be at. As with most things in life we are all on these journies may it be hair, bodies the list go on and on, let not get into a divide and conquer, I think it is okay to disagree to agree. Dialogue is good. I also agree with Anita, I too was under the impression that NATURAL HAIR! was about being free from the chemical processing. But, this is why I am enjoying this blog, because it show that we all have different thoughts about being natural. But at the end of the day, are we all ultimately in search for how to care for our hair and to have a good, healthy head of hair inside and out.